Overview of our terms and conditions
On this page, we provide you with an overview of all the terms and conditions that apply to the use of the Rulebooks platform. For questions or comments, please contact our helpdesk.
The General Terms and Conditions apply to all Rulebooks' services. Both companies themselves and their legal service providers can subscribe to Rulebooks.
Rulebooks are used for important business processes. Customers must be able to assume that we provide a certain level of service. The service level conditions define what these service levels are, such as the uptime of the Platform and response speed of our helpdesk.
We use a standard processing agreement for all our customers. The processing agreement covers all obligations that we and our subcontractors have with regard to your data under the General Data Processing Regulation.
We help customers use the Rulebooks platform. These terms and conditions relate specifically to the services related to this implementation.
The terms and conditions for end users apply to all natural persons with an active user account for the Rulebooks platform. By end user, we mean every user of the Rulebooks platform including corporate lawyers, lawyers, accountants, paralegals, and other users. With these terms and conditions, we regulate how you can use the platform.
We have laid down the conditions for securing the Rulebooks platform and the processed data in this separate set of conditions.